The Addam's Family

Skee-BallSnap! Snap!

The first family of Halloween is coming to theatres AND a lottery near you in 2019! A fresh twist on the beloved Addams family is sure to be the biggest Halloween movie and a perfect fit for a lottery themed Halloween program. Alchemy3 is proud to bring the iconic characters to life as spooky, ooky, and kooky, scratch tickets. Lotteries will have the option of featuring art and assets from the new movie as well as the ground-breaking 60's tv series. The Addams Family transcends demographic barriers and appeals to lottery players young and old.

Game ConceptsSpaceInvaders

Alchemy3 has a variety of scratch ticket designs that amplify the Addam's Family concept. We have conceptualized a number of promotional support strategies to further leverage the popularity of Addam's Family for your program. In addition to traditional scratch ticket themes, Addam's Family can be utilized to attract more players to your draw games. Our interactive products can be designed to engage existing and introduce new players to your portfolio.