Raise the roof!
Lotteries have desired to partner with the home improvement category for years. The Home Depot brand is now available to help lotteries build a better lottery game. Established in 1978, The Home Depot has grown to be North America’s premier home improvement store. With over 2,100 locations throughout the U.S. and Canada, practically everyone has a “Home Depot” down the street.
With the increasing popularity of do-it-yourself home projects and room/home makeover TV shows coupled with the dream of home ownership, The Home Depot brand lends itself to a variety of executions for the lottery category.
Prize options include The Home Depot gift cards, room makeovers, and actual dream homes (Alchemy3 represents a variety of quality regional builders).
The home makeover theme works well with event and publicity extensions. For example, a lottery’s sponsorship of a home or school makeover is a smart tactic for reinforcing the message of where lottery proceeds go.
Alchemy3 will work closely with you to customize a The Home Depot game that will appeal to your lottery customers. Come build a better lottery program with us!
To view the LaFleur's Magazine's feature on the 'Texas Dream Home' instant game, featuring 2nd Chance prizing of a $500,000 Dream Home and $500 The Home Depot® Gift Cards, please click here.
Game Concepts