CasholinePlayers are looking for relief from the rising gas prices. And while gas prices fluctuate, over the last several years we’ve learned that they always go back up again.  With Casholine®, consumers can get the break they need. In addition to cash prizes, players can win prepaid gas cards accepted at filling stations across the country.

Alchemy3 can even set up and manage the claim site for instant win gas cards. Players just enter the code off their winning instant ticket at a validation website and Alchemy3 will ship their gas card directly to them.

Our gas card works at all different filling stations, so there are no conflicts with carrying the game at any specific locations. Plus your gas retailers will love the idea that your game promotes products that they service.
If you’re looking to award prizes that are as desirable as cash, consider Casholine for your next instant game!

Game Concepts

CasholineAlchemy3 has a number of different scratch ticket designs that amplify the gas card concept. We have conceptualized a number of promotional support strategies to further leverage the equity of Casholine for your program. In addition to traditional scratch ticket themes, gas cards can be utilized to attract more players to your draw and numbers games. Our interactive products can be designed to engage existing and introduce new draw game players to your base.